Simple merging object to object

I use View Models to hand to my MVC views, nice and slim with little if any methods on them and I use a think ORM model that has all my business logic and is generated by my ORM (BLToolkit).

So the problem is I wanted to take the View Model and update the ORM model with the modified values from the post, kind of a reverse AutoMapper (or BLToolkit.Mapper).

So a ORM class like this;

    public class Contact
         public int Id { get; set; }
         public string Firstname { get; set; }
         public string Lastname { get; set; } 
         // Loads of other properties

And a View Model like this (note the type and name should be “EXACTLY” the same;

    public class ContactModel
         public int Id { get; set; }
         public string Firstname { get; set; }
         public string Lastname { get; set; } 

Then with this generic Extension method;

        public static void MergeWith(this T1 primary, T2 secondary)
            foreach (var pi in typeof(T2).GetProperties())
                var tpi = typeof(T1).GetProperties().Where(x => x.Name == pi.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                if (tpi == null)
                var priValue = tpi.GetGetMethod().Invoke(primary, null);
                var secValue = pi.GetGetMethod().Invoke(secondary, null);
                if (priValue == null || !priValue.Equals(secValue))
                    tpi.GetSetMethod().Invoke(primary, new object[] { secValue });

So you make the magic in the Controller (for example) like this;

public ActionResult EditContact(ContactModel model)
    Contact c = Repo.Get<Contact,long>(model.Id);

Yea its cheesy, but it works for me 😉


2 thoughts on “Simple merging object to object”

  1. In your extension method MergeWith, the syntax of the generic declaration is using a construct I haven’t seen before:

    public static void MergeWith(this T1 primary, T2 secondary)

    the t2=”” piece. What does that do? Thanks.

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